Forcing wildcard searches

1 Jul 22
When performing queries against a SQL database (SQL Server, PostGres, MySQL, etc), Foxfire! does not automatically use wild-card searches for LIKE filter operations. Depending on the SQL database, this effectively makes ...

Viewing and Exporting SQL

7 Feb 19
Foxfire! lets you see the SQL used to retrieve the data when running a request. From the Request Manager, highlight the desired request. Right-click and choose View SQL from the displayed ...

Previewing Requests

29 Dec 18
The Preview window allows you to view a Request’s output on the screen instead of sending it to the destination specified in the Request. This is useful if you want to ...

Sort Data

29 Dec 18
This section describes how to sort information in your reports, which you do on the Sort and Group Results tab of the Workbench window. Note: Sorting for a Cross-Tab Request is done ...

Group Data

29 Dec 18
This section describes how to group data in your reports, which you do on the Sort and Group Results tab of the Workbench window.  Note: The Sort and Group Results tab is ...

Email Results

29 Dec 18
You can email your Request output to users automatically. You do this from the Specify Output tab of the Workbench window.  Note: If you want to email on a one-time basis, see ...

Expand Search Results

29 Dec 18
You can expand the number of results that are returned when your Request is run. Note: This function is available through a special button (Expand Search) that appears on the Filters tab ...

Create Multiple Filter Conditions

29 Dec 18
Sometimes a more complex Request requires multiple filter conditions. For example you’ve defined a filter condition that searches for red cars and now you want to narrow your search to find ...

Change the Appearance of a Data Item

29 Dec 18
The general appearance of a data item is initially determined by Foxfire!. However, you can modify the appearance of data items for a specific Request. For example, you can change the ...

Exporting Requests

29 Dec 18
You can export Requests that can be shared with other users running Foxfire! on separate machines or environments. A single Export file may contain multiple requests and retain the folder structure. ...