Purpose: 1) Specify the location of the Foxfire! System Files; 2) Specify a single or compound filter condition for each System File, which creates a controlled View of the database and Request List for the Report Set.
How This Affects the Reporting Experience: Each Report Set accesses a set of four System Files to obtain details about the Reporting Environment during the Report Session. The ability to specify individual System Files and filter them for each Report Set gives you two levels of options for customizing each Reporting Environment. The System Files can be unique to that Report Set or can be shared with other Report Sets enabling you to create very different user experiences within the same Reporting Environment. Applying filters to the System Files allows further precision in controlling each Reporting Environment.
Foxfire! System Files
Explanation of the Foxfire! System Files
- Requests: List of Requests available to users of this Report Set
- Request Folders: Folders appearing in Request Folder Tree of the Request Manager
- Data Items: The Data Dictionary that is active during this Report Session
- Relationships: Relationships active between tables during this Report Session
Examples of managing a Reporting Environment with Filters:
Applying filters to the System Files allows further precision in controlling each Reporting Environment.
- A filter on the Requests table controls the list of Requests that a user can run (by exposing them or not)
- A filter on the Request Folders table controls which Request Folders a user sees in the Request Folder tree of the Request Manager
- A filter on the Data Items table has the effect of making certain Data Items available (by exposing them) or unavailable (by hiding them)
- A filter on the Relationships table has the effect of setting a different relationship between two application tables
See also
Report Set Editor | Report Set Permissions | Printer Setup | Miscellaneous Options | Remote Data Source Preferences
Last Updated: 05/16/06