Summary Reports

5 May 17
You may sometimes want a Request that just outputs summary information, not detail. That is called a Summary Request. There are two types of columns in a Summary Request: group information ...

Summary Report vs Detail Reports

14 Jun 16
Often, we hear about clients trying to figure out why Foxfire! creates an SQL statement with GROUP statements and why it doesn’t. The distinction can be subtle when looking at the ...

Business Intelligence with Foxfire!

3 Dec 15
Foxfire! has been a powerful query and reporting tool for over 30 years. Business Intelligence wasn’t even a buzzword when Foxfire! was first introduced; yet there’s so much in Foxfire! that ...

2015 Updates

19 Nov 15
We’ve made a few updates to Foxfire! 2015 in the past few weeks. Most of these are related to different output types. What happened? In a recent update, we changed the ...

Dealing with IsNull ( ) and Date Fields

19 Nov 15
A client contacted us recently with a problem that was appearing when running a report. The error would appear and no output would be created. The message was directly from SQL ...

Customizing the System Administration Menu

18 Jul 15
All system administrator options in Foxfire! are controlled by the existence of FFADMIN.EXE. If that file isn’t present, many of the options (including Setup Wizard, Upgrade and System Admin) will not ...

Detail Reports

20 Jun 15
Detail Reports provide lists of information from your database, in form or column mode. In Column Mode, Foxfire! analyzes data items for their content, automatically providing sub-totals based on sort and ...

Create a Single Report with Combined Reports

20 Jun 15
  This customer-facing proposal was generated by combining multiple reports into batches. When a batch is run, every report is run sequentially. But now with 9.0, a batch can be defined ...

Find Your Data

20 Jun 15

Organize Your Reports

20 Jun 15
The Request Manager holds all of your reports in one place, making them easy to find and manage. With security, reports can be run by other users or kept away from ...