These Permissions expose or enable various dialogs, tabs, and features in the user interface that are presented during Request design or execution. They can be overridden for individual users by setting the User Permissions in the User Manager.

Note: Uncheck the box next to any permission you want to hide when a Designer or End-User is using Foxfire!
Report Set Permissions
Permission | Allows a User To |
Basic – Request Manager | Modifies the basic behaviors of the Request Manager |
Create Requests | Must be checked to Create any type of new Request |
Summary | Must also be checked to allow creation of Summary Requests |
Cross Tab | Must also be checked to allow creation of Cross Tab Requests |
Change Requests | Modify existing Requests |
Delete Requests | Delete existing Requests |
Basic – Filter Results | Modifies the behavior of the Filter Results tab in the Workbench |
Parens in Filter | Use parenthesis in a filter to alter the normal evaluation sequence of the conditions. This enables a more skilled user to create very precise or complex filter clauses |
First X Items | Retrieve just the First X Items on a report. X can be either a quantity or a percentage |
Basic – Sort/Group Selection | Allows a user to specify options that occur when a data group changes in a report type Request |
Appearance Options | Specify appearance options that appear when a data group changes |
Summary Calculations | Add or remove summary calculations (including default calculations specified in the data dictionary) that occur when a data group changes |
Advanced – Access to Tools | Restricts the user’s access to certain Tools |
Change Report Sets | Change Report Sets (i.e. move between Report Sessions) during a Foxfire! Session |
Manage Batches | Create, Edit and Schedule Batches of Requests (a batch is a set of one or more Requests that can be run in a specific order on demand or at scheduled times) |
Update Dictionary | Update the Data Dictionary during Request design by using the Edit Data Item Details dialog |
Stored SQL | Store the SQL statement created by Foxfire! during Request execution and allow user to edit it later |
Advanced – Filter Results | Restricts access to advanced features in the Filter Results tab of the Workbench |
Merge Results (Union) | Merge the results of two Requests (the list of data items specified on the detail line of both Requests must be identical) |
Expand Search | Allows the user to specify left, right and full outer joins and view the relationship diagram |
Join Options | Allows the user to choose a left outer join, right outer join or full join |
Show Relationship Diagram | Allows the user to view the Relationship Diagram in a tree structure |
Advanced – Output Options | Restricts access to certain features in the Specify Output tab of the Workbench |
Edit Layouts | Allow user to save permanent format changes to a report layout (FRX). Layouts are normally generated dynamically during Request execution. If a layout is edited as a result of this Permission, it is saved as an FRX file in the Reports folder and is used instead of dynamically generating the report layout when a Request using the saved format is executed |
Choose Alternate Layouts | Substitute a previously defined layout file (FRX) in place of the dynamically generated layout or current pre-defined layout |
Choose Alternate Subdirs | Place report layouts (FRX files) in an alternate directory |
Advanced – Custom Processing | Use Custom Processing |
Allow Custom Processing | Add custom processing at key events during Request execution |
See also
Report Set Editor | Foxfire! System Files | Printer Setup | Miscellaneous Options | Remote Data Source Preferences |
Last Updated: 03/20/06