Purpose: Create a copy of Foxfire! ready to distribute to an end-user.
How This Affects The Reporting Experience: The Developer tools all exist for one purpose – create a configured copy of Foxfire! that can be distributed to end-users for the purpose of designing and running Requests. In order to facilitate the distribution process, Foxfire! supplies this Distribution Wizard to create a folder that contains all of the files needed to deliver your customized Foxfire! to an end-user.

Foxfire! Distribution Wizard: Step 1 – Preferences
Preference: Select the Report Sets (Preferences) that you want to include in this distribution.

Foxfire! Distribution Wizard: Step 2 – Destination
Destination Directory: Select the Destination Directory where you want to store the distribution. This directory must already exist.
Put files in FFDISTRIB subfolder: Create a FFDISTRIB subfolder in the Destination Directory.
Don’t create FF80 subfolder: By default Foxfire! will create an FF80 subfolder. Check this checkbox to suppress the creation of the FF80 subfolder.
Files will be placed in the following folder: Displays the actual folder where the distribution will be stored. (This field is read only).

Foxfire! Distribution Wizard: Step 3 – Review
Select: Specifies which files you want included in the distribution.
Path: Path where the File was found.
File: Name of the File.
Note: The Review screen displays a list of all of the files that the Distribution Wizard is looking for. The files will be selected for inclusion by default. You can exclude files by un-checking the checkbox to the left of the file name. If a file cannot be found, it will be highlighted with a red background and will not be selected.
Distribute: When you are satisfied, click the Distribute button and the wizard will create your distribution.

Foxfire! Distribution Wizard: Step 4 – Completed
Description: Specifies the status of the distribution and where the distribution was stored.
Results: Displays any error encountered.
Last Updated: 04/24/06