Data Items are the fields that will actually appear in the report when a Request is run. By setting up the Data Item correctly, you control the appearance of the field in a report, the behavior of the Data Item when it is included in a filter, the sort behaviors for the Data Item and the default calculations to be used in Request total and sub-total lines.
Data Item Editor
Data Item: The name of the Data Item as it will appear in the available list in the Request Editor.
Description: Additional description for the Data Item. This can be displayed during Request design depending on the Report Set Permissions.
Edit: Opens the Zoom Expression window for easier data entry of the Description.
Expression: Defines the Expression used to retrieve the data. This will normally be an alias.fieldname but it could be a complex Expression involving multiple fields, UDF’s and system functions.
Edit: Opens the Foxfire! Expression Builder to assistance in building a valid Expression.
Data Type: Defaults to the data type of the field if the Expression is a fieldname. If Expression is more complex, define the Data Type here.
Character: Character data
Numeric: Numbers – including integers, currency and other number formats
Date: Date fields. Can be a native date field or the result of a date Expression
Logical: Logical fields – True/False
Memo: Use only if the Expression is a Memo field
General: Use only if the Expression is a General field (used for pictures and other OLE objects)
DateTime: Use only for VFP DateTime fields. Date and time in a single field
Result Field Name: The unique field name that Foxfire! uses when it creates a Result Set. This will usually be the same as the field name. It is modified as necessary to create a unique name for each Data Item. The Setup Wizard automatically adds a suffix to the Result Field Name when it finds duplicate Data Items. The Import Data Items from Table tool allows you to specify a prefix or suffix to be added to Data Item names in order to create unique Result Field Names.
Primary Source:
File: The name of the physical file where the Data Item is found. File Name may be left blank if the Expression does not relate to any physical files
Alias: The Alias Name that will be used to open the file
Group: Assigns this Data Item to a Data Item Group. Data Item Groups are used to make it easier for the end user to find related Data Items when designing Requests. Data Item Groups can be defined more easily if you use the Data Item Group Editor
Column Header: Specifies the Column Header for this Data Item in a Request
Column Header (2): Specifies the Second line Column Header for this Data Item in a Request
Output Picture: Controls the output format for this Data Item. See Output Format Charactersfor a full description of available formatting options
Sample Data: A sample of what this Data Item will look like on a report
Header Alignment: Specifies the alignment for the Column Header
Output Width: Specifies the width (in characters) for this Data Item in a Request. Must be at least as wide as the Column Header. If the Data Type is numeric you may also specify the number of decimal places
Special Features:
Filter: Opens the Filter Options dialog. This determines how Foxfire! behaves when the user invokes the Filter Builder and builds a filter line with this Data Item
Advanced: Opens the Advanced Options dialog. This allows you to set sorting, views, layout and other advanced options
Calculations: Opens the Calculation dialog. In this dialog you have the option of attaching a calculation (subtotal, average, and so on) to this Data Item. Whenever this Data Item appears in a report, your specified calculation will appear in the group breaks and summary area
Graphics: Opens the Graphics Support dialog. You can specify if the field contains a bitmap (picture). If the field contains a bitmap, you specify the frame size, and how to modify the picture to fit the frame
Note: The Filter and Calculations options are disabled for fields with a General Data Type. The Graphics option is only enabled on General fields.
See also
Filter Options | Advanced Options | Calculation Options | Graphics Support
Last Updated: 06/21/15