These settings provide additional options for controlling the behavior of Data Items in your reporting environment.

Advanced Options
Sort Expression: Allows you to specify how results are sorted if this Data Item is used as the basis for sorting. This will default to the Data Item expression.
Sort Data Type: Specifies the data type if you enter a sort expression. Only change this if your sort expression differs from the Data Item expression
Sort Width: Defines the width of the sort expression if it is different from the Data Item expression
Expression: Specifies the contents of the field in the Report Layout (FRX) file. This should be the same as the Output Field Name, unless you have chosen to apply custom formatting to it.
Show Output When: Specifies a logical expression that controls whether or not the result value for a specific record will appear in the report output
Separate Detail Line: Forces this Data Item onto a second detail line on the report output
Using Font: Specifies the font to use on the separate detail line
Views (excluded): List the Views in which you do not want
this Data Item to appear. The list must be entered in a comma delimited format
Report Set Vilter Value(s): Defines a user value that can be used for filtering or other user defined purposes. Foxfire! does not directly use this field.
Data Group: Defines the Data Group for this Data Item. This is also shown on the Data Item Editor page
Access: Specifies if the end-user will be able to modify this Data Item (assuming they have the proper permissions). System – only Developers/Administrators can modify the item. User – Users may modify the item with proper permissions. Automatic – the field was set up by a batch process
Sorting Prefix: Adds a prefix to the Data Item to modify the sort sequence
Result Field Width: Specifies the width of the column that Foxfire! generates in the result set. Cannot be changed if the Data Item is an actual field from a table
UDF in Output: Turns TALK OFF to suppress messages while evaluating expressions in the Data Item Expression or Sort Expression fields
Use DBF Again: Open a new instance of the table whenever using this Data Item.
Show as e-mail field: Shows the Data Item as an email field
XTab Calc: Allows the Data Item to be included in the list of Data Items for a Calculation Method in the cross-tab Request Editor
XTab Axis: Allows the Data Item to be included in the list of Data Items for an axis label in the cross-tab Request Editor;
XTab Sample: Allows sample data from the Data Item’s source table in the rows/columns in the cross-tab Request Editor. Disable when sampling from a very large data file produces unacceptable delays.
Additional Source:
File: The file name for an additional table from which the Data Item is derived. Only use if the Data Item is an expression using fields from two tables.
Alias: The alias for an additional table from which the Data Item is derived
See also
Original Data Item Editor | Filter Options | Calculation Options | Graphics Support |
Last Updated: 08/15/09