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Lesson Goals:
  You are going to create labels for car dealers by creating a label Request. The procedure for creating a label Request is similar to the procedure for creating other types of Requests. You specify the data items to be included, filter conditions, sorting and grouping criteria, and the output type.

To deal with special label formats, Foxfire! provides a special Select Data Items dialog box for labels. It allows you to select from many commonly used label formats, including Avery forms. As you select data items, you specify their location on each line of the label, adding punctuation if necessary. Data Items for city, state, and zip usually need to appear in the same line.

To create your labels:

  1. From the Request Manager, click the New icon on the toolbar. The Select Type of New Request dialog box appears.
  2. Choose Labels as the Request type.
  3. Click OK.
  4. Enter xxxLess3 for the Name.
  5. Enter “Labels for Dealers We Purchased From” for the Title.
  6. Click the Select Data Items tab.
  7. Select Avery #5660 from the Label Type drop-down box.
  8. In the Indent box located at the bottom of the screen, choose 3 to indent the text three spaces.
  9. Add these two data items from the Choose from list to the Selected list:
    • Add Purchased From Name
    • Add Purchased From Address 1

  10. Highlight the item Purchased From Address 1 and click New Line.
  11. Add Purchased From City to the Selected list, highlight it, and click New Line.
  12. Click , to add a comma after city and click Space to add a space after the comma.
  13. Add “Purchased From State” to the Selected Items List, highlight it, and click Space twice to add two spaces after the state.
  14. Add “Purchased From Zip” to the Selected Items List.
  15. Click Save to save your label Request.
  16. Click the Close icon on the Design Preview toolbar to return to the Request Manager.
  17. Highlight the Request and click the Preview icon on the toolbar to preview your labels.
  18. Click the X on the upper right corner of the Request Preview window to close the window.

Congratulations!: If you have completed all the steps in this basic tutorial, you have gained a good understanding of the operation of Foxfire! To learn the more advanced Foxfire! features, continue with the Intermediate Tutorial. Remember as you work with Foxfire! you can take advantage of the built in help screens. You may press the F1 key at any time and the help system will open with the help topic describing your current window.

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