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You select your Request type in the Select Type of New Request dialog box. The types of Requests are:

  • Detail  Includes one or more lines for each row (record) of data returned from the database. If lines are grouped, summaries (total, etc.) may appear in a footer beneath each group.
  • Summary  Includes one or more lines for each group of rows (records) returned from the database. In addition to one or more items that describe the group, this line usually contains arithmetic summaries about the group (number of rows in the group), sum or average of a particular data item, etc. For more information, see Selecting Summary Data Items.
  • Cross-Tab   Displays a table with row and column headings representing two data items and fills the table with summary information calculated from these data items. For more information, see Selecting Data Items in a Cross-Tab Request.
  • Labels  Creates one label for each record (for example, a mailing label).
  • Form Fill  Generates a PDF that fills in data from an existing PDF or HTML file with existing data.

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