Saturday, May 01, 2004

Build 327 Posted: (Refresh Only) Changes Noted Below 

I've only posted the Refresh ( ) because there will be more changes this weekend that will update the full install.
Changes noted here:

Revamped way of accessing entire preference data items for speed reasons
Fixed problem when copying files during Existing installation Upgrade.
Fixed problems that occur when upgrading and indexing files

Preference picker now defaults to the first preference if one is not selected

The Relationship Filter drop-down now sizes automatically to the number of valid relationships in the list.

Added Add to list and remove to Data Item list box context menus.

Added drag/drop support for removing items from data item list.

Added Hide/Show to right-click on selected option

Single-clicking on objects in the Preview area now activates the appropriate tab in both the Designer and the Workbench window.

Removed Mind's Eye option from individual reports. THe property is still present in the Request file (RQ_MERE) but it will be controlled by a preference setting, currently undefined.

Fix for double-clicking group footer to display group options.


Logic for the way Data Items are shown in the Filter Editor 

Someone asked a question about the reasoning behind data items being shown in the Filter tab.
Here is the logic:
The Data item combo in the Filter list is broken into three groups.
The First Group shows Data Items currently selected in the report. This way, if you are building a report that shows Cars Make and Model, you can easily find them in the Filter list.
The second group shows data Items directly related to items shown in report. For example, If you put cars make into your report, then all unselected data items from cars will show up in the second group. This was introduced in Foxfire! 6.02 as a way to make it easier to manage large data item sets. For example, if you have 500 data items in your system, and the user builds a report with data items starting with the letter W, you don't want them to scroll all the way back down to the "W"s each time to make a request. It streamlines the filter building process and makes it much more efficient.
The third group shows all other data items in their proper sorting order.


Sunday, April 25, 2004

Build 326 Posted 

Fixes for Cross-tabs and upgrading from older engines.
Also, problems with verifying files have been corrected so you should be able to verify files and go right back into the request manager without restarting Foxfire.


Build 325: Structure changes for Request File and Better Report Handling 

Only download the entire install for Build 325.
If you only download the refresh, you may receive some errors when you first start Foxfire! Run Reverify Foxfire! files under the System Administrator and then restart Foxfire! to see the changes.
Verify Foxfire! Files is a new option in the System Administrator that effectively ensures all of your file structures are up to the latest format.
Minor Changes
Added "Send To" to the Printer toolbar. This makes the choices clearer.
Options for Sending email in the Workbench dialog are fully active and support an SMTP Server as well as other options that may be required. Email options now allow you to choose how the sender name appears as well as the ability to specify the subject and comments.
Fixed problem when sending reports to a file. From now on, when the user says File for a regular report, Foxfire! will print straight to PDF.
Revised output screen to show file options better. When you select File, the file name automatically populates and the printer drop-down disappears.
Fixed problem when sending reports to the printer directly.
Updated support for selecting printer. You can now select a new printer directly from the drop-down or by clicking Setup.
Fixed problem where new printer settings were not being respected.


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