Thursday, October 07, 2004

Foxfire! 8.0 Build 355: Nightly Build 

Here's a new nightly build (10:34 EST) with key updates for filters and more
Expression Editor now shows proper English expression when editing an existing Data Item

VFP 9 support for templates. When you modify a layout using VFP 9, it will show the Data Item names instead of the expressions. (this requires the full rebuild)
Added LastRun and LastRuntime to oRequest in object model
Added Last Run times and stats
to General page
Fixed Drag and Drop of multiple items from Workbench onto preview area
Fixed problem when selecting new data group from list and getting invalid array dimension
Made Roll-up and docking behavior more consistent.
you close the Workbench by clicking the "X", it automatically rolls up with workbench on the preview area.
If you have rolled up the workbench in the Preview area AND undock it, the undocked work bench will roll-down.
If you subsequently re-dock it, it will still appear rolled up.
up the work bench only applies to the current session. When you re-open the request, it will be rolled down.
Made the tabs more consistent.
Whenever you
click on a tab (even the active page), it will automatically expand so you can see the content.
Updates to the Expression Builder to work properly with date functions and clear up expressions.
Fixed problem in aarCombo where the controlsource was not being updated properly.
Ensured that Filter Data Item combo refills when new data items are added
Automatically switching to Preview when moving from a file output (graph, excel, etc) back to a report.
Fixed Resize of the Chart output option
Nightly build with fixes for filters and layout resizing


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