Wednesday, December 17, 2003
Build 287 - Fixes and UI Updates
1. When right-clicking on a data item in the Preview area, you can choose Group which will automatically do a Sort, Group and Hide on the selected data item.
2. Fix in the Request Manager when you select a folder that doesn't have any requests in it.
3. Removed Today's Exports from the list of exports so it is easier to manage.
4. The Request Tab for Special Processing only appears if the user has the security access for it.
5. Some of the items on the Change Appearance Dialog have been copied to the Edit Data Item dialog. Not sure if the dialog is now too big. Please let us know.
6. When hiding automatic summary totals, the fonts reflect the proper "hidden" look and feel (they previously weren't)
7. You can now add a new summary total by right-clicking in the Group footer.
8. The Close button on the Right-click dialogs (Change Appearance and Edit Data Item) has been named to Cancel.
9. If you download and install the Full Update, you should be able to see the new Distribution Utility and the FFCONFIG builder tools.
Tuesday, December 16, 2003
Build 8.0.286 - Revised User Interface for Relationships and Cross-Tabs
Only the Refresh has been updated with this one.
Minor UI updates and various internal changes.
1. Email Options now available in Output screen.
2. Cross Tabs - the UI has been updated but don't do a calculated cross-tab yet - still working on some items there.
This update is primarily a visual one for demonstration purposes. The interface is pretty much completed except for some small wording changes and possible re-alignment of items.